What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

Posted by Wicked Fabrics - Vivi Richards on 9th Jul 2021

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

Read Time: 1m 15s

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of clothing or accessories you love that is multi-seasonal and can be mix and matched with seasonal items to create different looks. If you are minimalist in nature and like streamlining and organising your seasonal wardrobe in advance, capsule planning is for you.

Once you have put together your capsule items getting dressed is so easy!

How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe typically consists of 30 to 40 items. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the division of items and categories because this will depend on your style and preferences.

As a guide, the following works well if you are looking to form a basic 40 item capsule:

  • Tops - 9 pieces
  • Jackets/Jumpers or Cardigan - 6 pieces (will change with season)
  • Dresses - 6 pieces
  • Bottoms - 9 pieces
  • Shoes - 6 pairs
  • Handbag - 4 pieces

If you are located in Australia, like I am, a seasonal capsule will last up to 6 months.

Capsule Wardrobe Combinations

Here are some examples of capsule combinations that work well. If you look at the dates of some of these blog posts, it's clear that some items never date, and why they make fantastic capsule items. This is key when you are passionate about slow fashion as it will work for many years to come.

Spring Capsule Wardrobe - Bright On The Day

Summer 2019 by Useless Wardrobe

Summer Capsule Wardrobe by Capsule Closet

Now that you've gotten some inspiration, are you ready to sew your capsule wardrobe items? There's a lot of these items that you can easily make yourself so why not give it a go?

You can browse my fabric collection to get you started on your journey!

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